5 Easy Bohemian Paradise Hiking Trails

Author: Celine Brewer

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The Bohemian Paradise (also known as “Czech Paradise” or “Cesky Raj“) is a beautiful protected area in the Czech Republic. Bohemian Paradise is known for its sandstone rock formations and the twin towers of the Trosky Castle, perched dramatically up high on two basalt volcanic plugs. We chose to visit this beautiful area of the Czech Republic with our kids as there are so many fun & scenic easy Bohemian Paradise hiking trails.

Only a few hours away, you can go hiking in Bohemian Paradise as a day trip from Prague, but we suggest staying a day or two. Here’s all the easy hikes we enjoyed during our trip to Bohemian Paradise with kids.

View of Trosky Castle in Bohemian Paradise.

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5 Easy Hiking Trails in Bohemian Paradise

1. Prachov Rocks Trail

Prachov Rocks in Bohemian Paradise Czech Republic.

After checking into our really nice vacation home rental in Lomnice nad Popelkou, we hopped back in our rental car and drove 20 minutes to enjoy an easy hike through the Prachov Rocks (Prachovske Skaly). The towering sandstone rocks in the Prachov Rocks park make this easy Bohemian Paradise hike one of the most popular in the area.

The previous day we had an epic hike on the Pravcicka Brana to the Wild Gorge Loop in nearby Bohemian Switzerland. After such a long family hike, our plan for this visit was to have a relaxing, easy walk through the park with modest distance ambitions.

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We visited a lot of beautiful natural areas on our family road trip through the Czech Republic. Discover the excellent hiking trails in Bohemian Switzerland.

Prachovske Skaly has two main walking loops – the yellow loop is 1 mile (1.5km), while the green loop is 2.2 miles (5km). Given our sore legs, we should have taken the shorter Prachov Rocks trail, but we gave into our temptations and started up the green path. 

Prachovske Skaly in Bohemian Paradise with a toddler

The walking distances shown are accurate, but they are a little misleading as there are lots of rock stairs to climb up and down, so a 2.2 mile (3.5km) hike here will take a lot longer than normal. The green route immediately starts to climb rock steps up, and up, and up.

We got to the top and enjoyed the amazing views of the sandstone formations from this elevated vantage point, but we decided at this stage that we simply didn’t have the time to do the full green loop, so we backtracked and started the yellow loop.

Prachovske Skaly in Cesky Raj Czech Republic

The yellow loop also begins with a climb up a set of rock stairs where it transitions into an easy, level stroll through the forest. There are two additional viewpoints you can walk to before descending down the stairs to complete the walk back to the front gates.

Bohemian Paradise Hiking with Kids
prachov rocks czech republic

All told, we walked 2.2 miles (3.5 km) in just over 1.5 hours (including detours, chasing kids, etc). We’re glad we took the yellow route as it allowed the kids to walk at their own pace without being rushed. It’s a fun place for kids to run around and explore, so not being rushed means they get to properly enjoy this natural playground. It was a very pleasant afternoon in a beautiful natural setting.

Dobongsan Trail Map on AllTrails

AllTrails Map

Download the Prachov Rocks hiking trail maps on the AllTrails app.

visit to prachovské skály with kids
Prachovske Skaly in Bohemian Paradise with kids

2. Trosky Castle

Trosky Castle in Cesky Raj Czech Republic with Kids

The primary reason we came to Bohemian Paradise was to visit and hike around the Trosky Castle. This dramatic and imposing Czech Republic castle ruin has two towers, each one built on top of its own basaltic rock outcrop, with the main castle areas built in-between the two. The castle is built on the highest ground in the area and can be seen from great distances within the area. 

You can drive nearly all the way up to the castle, but that’s not our style. We wanted to find a good hike up to the Trosky Castle, hopefully with some interesting views.

With the help of our favorite travel hiking app, we decided to park our car in Ktova. We found a really nice walking trail which started on a dirt road leading through freshly planted mustard fields.

There were hardly any trees on this stretch allowing some pretty nice views of the Trosky Castle.

Hiking Bohemian Paradise Czech Republic with Kids.
View of Trosky Castle in Bohemian Paradise (Cesky Raj) Czech Republic

Our asy hiking trail then transitioned into a thick forest. We found a variety of wildlife including beautiful butterflies, large snails and even a small, dead snake (which the kids thought was pretty cool).

Cesky Raj Czech Republic hike with kids.

We soon noticed a bunch of towering sandstone rock formations looming behind the canopy of trees. Our hiking app said that there was a trail leading up into them, so we decided to follow it. I’m so glad we did as it led us up to and through the rock formations, which really are quite dramatic and beautiful.

Bohemian Paradise hike with kids.

We just kept following the hiking trail higher and higher and were soon rewarded with an excellent close-up view of the Trosky Castle sitting behind a field filled with dandelions. 

Once we got our fill of taking pictures, we kept following the trail towards the Trosky Castle. We had to do a little bush-whacking at this stage, but nothing too bad. Once we got really close, the trail seemed to end at a fenced-in field, but given the fence here was already knocked over so we decided to hoof it across and hope we didn’t get in trouble.

Trosky Castle Czech Republic with Kids.

We were rewarded for our ‘bravery’ by coming out at the parking lot of the castle. From here, there was a dirt road leading northwest to another open field for some additional great picture opportunities.

Trosky Castle in Cesky Raj - things to do.
Visit Trosky Castle in Bohemian Paradise with Kids.

Finally, we started walking from the parking lot to the front gate of the Trosky Castle. This portion of the walk is uphill for about 5 minutes. Once inside the castle, it’s a fairly straightforward visit – pick a tower and climb it, enjoy the incredible views, then repeat with the other tower.

You can climb to top of one tower, but only halfway on the other. There’s not much more to the castle than that. No fancy furniture or old, boring paintings – it’s our kind of castle!

Trosky Castle - Best Things to do in Cesky Raj.
Visit Trosky Castle in Bohemian Paradise - things to do.

After our reasonably quick castle visit, we took a different path back to the car. Starting back towards the parking lot, there is a trail which turns right (north), taking you back towards Ktova. The trail here is mostly along a very picturesque rural road, winding through local properties. 

cesky raj with kids.

We are very glad we chose to hike up to the Trosky Castle, as it made the visit much more special than simply driving up. The trails are not well marked so a hiking app is a big help. There isn’t an official trail map for this Trosky Castle hike in AllTrails, but the base map within the app has many of these trails shown.

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We have hiked with our kids around the world. We have some great advice for hiking with kids, along with our favorite hiking gear for kids.

3. Hiking from Hruba Skala to Valdstejn Castle

Hiking Hruba Skala to Valdstejn Castle in Bohemian Paradise with kids

This popular 8 km hike is one of the best easy Bohemian Paradise hikes. It runs from Hruba Skala to Valdstejn Castle  and highlights the Bohemian Paradise’s natural beauty. This hike should be on every Bohemian Paradise hiking itinerary!

This Hruba Skala to Valdstejn hike in Cesky Raj can be done in a loop by following the red marked trail to the castle and the yellow marked trail on the way back. The best place to park is here, where the two trails meet. Get there early though, or you may need to park down the road in the paid parking lot. 

We started with the red trail, which is a mix of paved road, country road and hiking trail. The trail starts on a quiet paved road through a forest. Before long, the red trail markers direct you through a gate to lead you into the Arboretum, which was founded in 1860 as an area to experiment with planting foreign trees (which are all labelled). This is a nice little area to walk through and there are a few nice wooden sculptures to look at.

The next section of path is a very scenic stroll through a series of towering rock formations, which this Czech Republic area is known for. The path is pretty level and is easy enough for kids of all ages to walk.

Hruba Skala hike Cesky Raj - Czech Republic.

There are a series of lookouts. The first is Vyhlídka na Kapelu, which provides a view of a group of rocks called “The Band” and a solitary rock tower called “Kapelník” (Bandleader).

View of the Band rock formations in Bohemian Paradise Czech Republic.

There are several other lookouts along the path which are all worth a visit for their views of these special rocks. The ‘safety fences’ at the lookouts are not very safe for little ones, so keep them close if they don’t listen well.

Before long, you arrive at the Valdstejn Castle. To enter the castle, you cross a short, but elegant stone bridge lined with many sculptures. There is a viewing area on the other side of the bridge where you can see parts of the castle.

We elected not to go in for two reasons: 1) it’s a finished castle so the tour is focused on the interiors – yawn…  2) we took too much time at the lookouts and needed to get back for our son’s nap. 

Valdstejn Castle Bohemian Paradise Czech Republic.
View of Valdstejn Castle Bohemian Paradise - things to do.

The yellow path begins by looping down and under the dramatic castle bridge. The surface alternates between paved biking trails, roads and hiking trails. The first stretch is steeply downhill and follows a popular paved biking trail, so watch your kids don’t get in the way of the bikes flying past! 

Valdstejn Castle in Cesky Raj - best things to do.
hike in Bohemian Paradise near Valdstejn Castle.

Thankfully the yellow trail leaves the bike path and deviates into the forest and you follow a path along the bottom of the rock formations, giving a different perspective of these amazing structures. Watch for daring rock climbers on the sides or on top of these towers.

Valdstejn Castle  in Cesky Raj Czech Republic.
best easy hiking trails in Bohemian Paradise.

The yellow path goes pretty much downhill for the first half, so make sure you enjoy it as the second half involves a lot of stairs. 

Symbolic Climber Cemetery - hiking bohemian paradise - hruba skala to Valdstejn Castle.
Czech Republic - Bohemian Paradise Hiking.
Valdstejn Castle in Cesky Raj Czech Republic

Recommended Tour

Not staying in Bohemian Paradise? Not to worry… you can do the hike to the Valdstejn Castle as a day trip from Prague.

Other Easy Hiking Trails in Bohemian Paradise

While researching easy Bohemian Paradise hikes, we came up with more excellent options. We would have loved to enjoy these easy hikes during our visit to Bohemian Paradise with kids, but we simply didn’t have enough time. I present them here in case you would like to enjoy them on your trip to Bohemian Paradise.

4. Riegrova Trail

The Riegrova Trail is an easy and beautiful 2.5 miles (4 km) walk through a river gorge. Kids will love running alongside the river, especially on the parts where the walkway is actually over top the river!

5. Bozkovské Dolomite Caves

What kid wouldn’t love a 45 minute tour of a cave? The Bozkovské Dolomite Caves are is full of dramatic stalagmites and stalactites and is home to the Czech Republic’s largest underground lake.

Bohemian Paradise with Kids
a mom hiking the Yeongsil Trail poses for a picture in front of the summit of Mount Hallasan on Jeju Island, Korea.
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Celine Brewer is a dedicated family travel blogger with a profound passion for helping families create unforgettable adventures together. Her blog blends captivating travel narratives with practical tips for family-friendly destinations and enjoying active travel with kids. As a mother of two, she understands the unique challenges of traveling with children and offers valuable insights to empower parents.

When Celine isn't traveling with her husband and two kids, she's either working on one of her three travel sites (Family Can Travel, Baby Can Travel and Travel Banff Canada) or out enjoying the majestic Canadian Rockies her family calls home.